Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In light of the recent "grass roots" uprising of the Teabaggers (please go I felt compelled to comment. I had the unique pleasure of listening to Fox News reporter, Glenn Beck, explain the purpose of the protest. He said something about standing up for a cause, the Alamo, and keeping your gun.

The people in the Alamo stood for something. Give me a break. Here is a little bit of Texas history for anyone who is unclear. When Texas was still Mexico it was vastly unsettled and experrienced many attacks from Native American tribes in the area. To curb this problem, the Mexican government decided to open up the area to white settlement. The government offered white American settlers land in Texas as long as they converted to Catholism and sworn and oath of alligance to Mexico. When white settlers took the land but refused to live up to the conditions on which they recieved it and turned to lawless rebellion. The Mexican army came to Texas to restore order, and hence, you get the Alamo, at which, the General Santa Ana offered the people in the Alamo a chance to surrender, instead, they basically committed suicide.

Now that we are clear on that, I can get back to my origional question: what the heck are the teabaggers protesting? Barack Obama has not made any changes to the tax code yet. His intention is to simplify it and cut taxes for 95% of Americans. Where were these "protesters" when the Bush administration was taxing the working class to death and allowing huge corporations to use off-shore tax shelters. Californians alone have had to pick $11,000,000,000 in tax dollors instead of corporations. Where was your damned tea party then? If there was a protest against this type of theft on the part of the corporations then I would march with you.

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