Thursday, February 26, 2009

Right Wing Gas Bags

I felt the need to comment on the many, often false and misleading, words of several republicans. The first of the worst is Bobby Jindal. He is the governor of Louisiana and the man who delivered the "republican response" to President Obama's recovery plan speech to congress a few nights ago.

Did you know that 8 billion dollars of the stimulous are going to a "sin train" that goes from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. Me either. Oh, wait, that is because it is not true. Here's to you Bobby Jindal. You may have a fabulous tan and alluring smile but that story just isn't going to fly...or roll as the case may be.

The second republican that I need to bring up is Senator Richard Sheldby of Alabama, but first a small divergance. I am employed as an infant care provider for children aged 6 weeks to 2 years old. One of the things I learned about infants (in college) is that if they can't see you, to them, it means that you are not there. Well, apparently Sen. Shelby is under one year old. He recently said he personally had never seen Pesident Obama's birth certificate which led him to believe that it basically didn't exsist. Sen. Shelby:"Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate. You have to be born in America to be president." Thanks for the civics lesson Sen. Shelby, but I already took and passed Advanced Placement Government and Politics at Paradise High School in 2006. Oh and by the way,Sen. Shelby, it is called google you should try it some times. Works for me.

And last but certainly not least: the republican governors who won't take the stimulus package money. Don't worry about the people in your state who are losing their homes and unemployment benefits. I am sure that they can come to California and pick fruit for the farmers who will stay in business because my republican governor is smart enough to know that our state is broke! The only people who suffer from this kind of stupidity are the people of that state, I am sure Sarah Palin will not be losing her home any time soon.

1 comment:

razfmike said...

Honey, I want recognition for "right wing gasbag"..I beleive its mine
