Iowa's Supreme Court struck down a state law outlawing gay marriage. A unanimous court announced that the law violated equal protection and due process, upholding the lower court's holding.
“The Iowa statute limiting civil marriage to a union between a man and a woman violates the equal protection clause of the Iowa Constitution,” the justices said in the 69-page ruling.
Opponents and supportors of gay rights gathered outside of the courthouse to await the ruling. This ruling is a major victory for gay rights, especially in the midwest, far from the scary liberal coasts.
Of course, there are still people out there pretending that gay marriage has something to with them and their lives. Assistant Polk County Attorney Roger Kuhle said that the lower court judge, Robert Hanson, overstepped his power when he first declared the law unconstitutional. Kuhle also said that if the states support gay marriage it will promote the idea that marriage is no longer about procreation. Ok, stop laughing. We all know that marriage is not about procreation. I don't know if anyone has noticed that more Unmarried people seem to be procreating than married ones, or that the old notion of the family is dissapearing.
Here is a history lesson. The reason that states in the past have fostered anti-sodomy, adultry, and fornication laws is because the "family" used to be an agent of economics. Before the modern conviences and industrialized society that we know today, the family had to work together in order to survive, and children were crucial to this system. Thus, it was in the states interest to have laws that protected the family. Basically, without the family there would be no money. It was all about the money. Today, and in the last 40 or so years since the Stonewall Riots(go to wikipedia if you don't know what those are)many people have used these old laws as a way of pointing that the Judeo-Christian morality that is present in our society and always has been there and should remain, when in actuality these laws are out of date and out of touch, and fourtunatly, many of them have been struck down. Of course it is unconstitutional for a state to try and ban these practices today.
Furthermore, on the point of marriage being for procreation. That is just stupid. I would like to get married, someday. That sure as hell doesn't mean I am having kids. Husbands understand that I have a career, babies don't.
Anyways, good for the Iowa Supreme Court. Now this begs the question, if Iowa can accept gay marriage. . .What the heck is the matter with California?
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